Pet Treatment
Pet hair is one of the most frustrating and difficult things to remove from your carpets and upholstery. Often weaving themselves into fibres of the carpet then getting stuck down by any oils that may come from traffic of your pet. We can take care of your hairy issues with our special rotary scrubbers and vacuum cleaners followed by our treatments as well as urine decontamination where the needs may be.
Your average carpet cleaner may do a carpet clean to remove the hair in your carpet this will only remove a small percentage of the hair on your carpet. In situations where there is excessive hair found you need a specific treatment designed to remove the hair in large quantities. We provide this treatment saving you time and money.
We can also provide you with a fully licensed pet / flea spray to keep those creepy crawlies at bay.
Our pet treatments services:
Hair Removal
Odour Removal
Urine / faeces Removal and somatization
Pet / Flea treatment